Basil Essential Oil (Ocimum basilicum)
Ocimum basilicum, or sweet basil, is not to be confused with the Holy Basil that is used extensively in ayurvedic medicine. That type of basil is very effective as a herb known as Tulsi Basil - but entirely different than sweet basil essential oil. When I first started working with essential oils and taking classes about aromatherapy, I found a lot of confusion when I tried to both purchase basil essential oil and researching this very effective oil. At that time, I was completing my research paper for my certification and had decided to make a blend that would help me stay awake as I drove back to Lincoln in the morning following a hospital night shift in Omaha. I read that basil essential oil was very effective as a mental stimulant. I realized after much searching that there were many different chemotypes available and not everyone selling essential oils bothered to tell you what chemotype they carried. In fact, at that time, I didn't realize there were different types. I heard terms such as Spanish or Mediterranean. Before taking my certification classes, I had actually purchased a fairly large amount of what was called Basil Essential Oil from a large company who uses the term "essential oils" in the name of their company - so I assumed they would know what type they had sold me. I learned that "Spanish" might be more effective as an insect repellent, which we were also testing. So I emailed this company with the Lot number and asked them what "type" I had received since it wasn't listed on their website. They told me they "didn't know." Do not buy from companies who "do not know." Let it be said Wingsets did not start sell essential oils until I had used them for years and until after I became certified. We don't buy in bulk or much less sell essential oils unless we know a lot more about them than that.
You can read the detailed discussion of basil essential oil in our Essential Oil Database, or you can read the more simplified version in our product description. None of these essential oils actually have the same odor that we are familiar with in our culinary basil, but the Linalool seems to be closer. I love this oil for many reasons and use it frequently in my customized blends. It is fairly inexpensive, with the Linalool chemotype being somewhat more expensive and this is the type we offer.
If you have any questions about this oil, please post them here or send me an email.
Thanks for listening!
That explains it then!If it hanepped to men it would have been sorted out long ago, instead women suffering with breast cancer have to also put up with permanent hairloss while the men get away with it.Somethings never change do they.