I get daily newsletter emails from Dr. Sears, who I consider to be one of the fairly good guys who comes up with good articles backed by research references. I've noticed, however, that he likes to sponsor ads for affiliate products - meaning he gets a kickback for recommending products. This is common practice and may or may not be bad. However, this particular ad caught my attention (as I'm sure they meant for it to) and I followed the link to watch the requisite video and listen to the marketing hype. Now, I love ice cream and just looking at the picture on their website, made my mouth water.

Scoops of ice cream The picture I've added here, I'm sure is doing the same for you, but I really have to limit my intake of this delight. So this product, Protein Freeze, sounded good, although we're trying to reduce our intake of animal protein in general. The next thing I ALWAYS do is look at the ingredients - and this is where I just got frustrated and angry that a doctor of medicine, who knows better and who purports to be a health advocate would recommend a product with the following two ingredients:

1.  Sucralose - marketed as Splenda. Any artificial sweeteners are now being recognized as not good choices. Below is one of the better studies giving us reason for NOT choosing Splenda:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18800291 -"Splenda alters gut microflora and increases intestinal p-glycoprotein and cytochrome p-450 in male rats."

Department of Pharmacology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA. Email: donia  [at] duke.edu

"This study from Duke University shows that at Sucralose consumption levels of 1.1-11 mg/kg (below the FDA 'safe' level), a 12-week administration of Splenda exerted numerous adverse effects, including (1) reduction in beneficial fecal microflora, (2) increased fecal pH, and (3) enhanced expression levels of P-gp, CYP3A4, and CYP2D1, which are known to limit the bioavailability of nutrients and orally administered drugs."

2.  Acesulfame potassium: Although the FDA has approved this sweetener as a "safe artificial sweetener", there have been studies showing several possible problems with its use. These studies resulted from mostly animal studies and they have shown that insulin secretion is stimulated, regardless of the fact there are no calories to speak of, and the secretion is the same as any consumption of a carbohydrate in that it is dose dependent. This could aggravate low blood sugar attacks.

Another study showed that Acesulfame potassium (K) was tumorial (produced tumors) in the lung, breast and thymus gland, several forms of leukemia and chronic respiratory disease, again, in animal studies. The Center for Science in the Public interest petitioned for a stay of approval by the FDA because of "significant doubt" about its safety. Well, that was back in 1988, and we've already seen how the FDA doesn't listen or respond to these requests - aspartame as a vivid example.

Don't be fooled - as I almost was - by the hype surrounding advertisements and products such as this. Eat as close to the source as possible, avoid processed foods as much as possible and very certainly stay away from artificial sweeteners. Stevia still remains your best choice to avoid adverse effects of sugar intake - not Truvia, the patented form, but true, natural, Stevia. 

Our new Recipe Blog is about to be launched and in there, we WILL provide recipes for ice cream that are healthy and taste good. 

Thanks for listening!


Bio: Ann McIntire Wooledge, RN, CCAP, is an experienced Critical Care Registered Nurse, a Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner, practicing student in herbalism, experienced cosmetic and personal care formulator with an emphasis on natural and organic ingredient sources, continuing her studies in Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition at Clayton College of Natural Health.  She has spent the last 9 years of her life dedicated to research and dissemination of the truth about ways to live healthfully in a planet full of toxic chemicals. She belongs to many national and international organizations related to her field of studies and expertise. These organizations are listed at the bottom of each page of our website.


Ann is recounting to you her summary of the research articles, online discussions by medical professionals and information from governmental information sites.  She is absolutely not diagnosing or prescribing. Please read our general disclaimer for the website.

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