This balm slides on easily, absorbs quickly and soothes and calms the painful inflammation from diaper rash, heat rash, or any other “boo boo’s” that are common with babies and young children. The beeswax provides a natural barrier that protects babies tender skin. Beeswax is also a well-known antibacterial. Be sure to allow your baby's skin to completely dry before applying the diaper ointment. Never trap moisture under diaper balm as this will hold the moisture against the baby's skin and can cause additional irritation. Our granddaughter has a habit of licking her bottom lip and invariably this causes a rash on her chin – the boo boo balm is our answer. The ingredients are all natural, organic, food-grade oils, totally and completely non-toxic.
Blissful Babies Boo Boo Bottom Balm
By Ann C Wooledge
on August 29, 2009
on August 29, 2009