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Clove Leaf (Eugenia caryophyllata) essential oil


Clove Leaf essential oil

Eugenia caryophyllata,  also known as Syzgium aomaticum, undiluted, aromatherapeutic

Country of Origin – India 

As is evident in considering the percentages of chemical constitutents in both clove bud and clove leaf oil, Eugenol is present at approximately 70-95%. This fact gives both clove bud and clove leaf the beneficial properties, as well as the safety cautions pertinent to both. Robert Tisserand in his classic "Essential Oil Safety, a Guide for Health Care Professionals", states that "because they (clove bud and leaf) are so similar in terms of chemical composition and toxicology, these distinct essential oils are treated as one." He also included clove stems. For this reason, I offer clove leaf because it is useful in soap making and candle making as well as therapeutic blends. The leaf essential oil has a less distinct odor and is less likely to overwhelm the entire blend.

10 mL size