DID YOU KNOW? "In a small study from Ohio State University, students given an omega-3 fatty acid supplement exhibited a 20 percent reduction in anxiety compared to students given a placebo pill. Rather than encourage the public to rush out to buy supplements, however, "people should just consider increasing their omega-3 through their diet," study co-author Martha Belury said in a statement." See here for more information.
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Ann's mission statement is to provide health and wellness information to you and your family that you may not find in your every-day newspapers or Prevention magazines. Her college studies, certifications and passionate self-study have provided her with a huge spectrum of understanding of the intricate issues and debates concerning health and nutrition. Ann is a Critical Care Registered Nurse, a Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Professional, and has been studying nutrition, aromatherapy, skin care health and medicinal herbalism for at least 13 years. Not so surprisingly, all of these interact for health and wellness at a level we all want to achieve. She is an ardent pursuer of verified research and information and spends huge amounts of time searching for information that is relevant and evidence based. We sincerely hope you benefit from her efforts.
I have just begun this journey into using Essential Oils. I have a daughter with Autism who has many chronic illnesses and my goal is to get her weaned off of as much medications I can & replace with Natural healing. Because I am new I realize it could be dangerous for her if I try and do this on my own . Your site was recommended to me.