Recipes for a Healthier You
on June 10, 2010
We will be adding blog articles and categories to this section of our blog soon. Please check out our Healthy Planet Blog and Recipes for a Healthier You Blog while you are visiting our site!
The following blog articles are dedicated to all of the helpful information about nutrition, wellness, warnings, and more that we feel our customers should be aware of. Most of these we will or have shared on our Facebook business page or tweeted on Twitter, so to receive this information daily we suggest clicking on their links and following there. You can also find us on LinkedIn. If you would like to receive updates of our Healthy Planet blog posts via email, use the form on the top left column of this page. You will need to subscribe to our recipe blogs separately. We have temporarily lost our tab functions on the menu on the left. They are supposed to, and have in the past, provided a drop down box of blogs I've written under that particular subject. For now, you can page through until you find the blog in which you might be interested. Hopefully, this will be taken care of soon.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
~Thomas Edison
Our customers really do love our products and customer service! Read the reviews below and you can leave your own review on our Write a Review page. We also post product specific reviews in the “Testimonials” tab on our product pages. While browsing our products, simply click on the “Testimonials” tab at the bottom of the product’s page and if you submit a review on a particular product it will be there!
“I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Keep your curiosity alive, and gather information to help you live life to the fullest by reading selected books! Below is a list of books we have studied and use almost daily as we prepare our products, improve our products and make decisions about new products. We highly recommend each of these, and we will only place books we actually use on this list.
After working as a registered nurse in a critical care unit for many years, I became very frustrated and disillusioned with allopathic medicine. These books restored hope and gave me a new and exciting focus for health and well-being as I learned more about how to use what God has provided for us in the natural world. It is my sincere hope that you will enjoy them as much as I have!
Some of these books are written from an allopathic viewpoint. I’m convinced medicine and health should involve both natural products and traditional allopathic medicine in a complementary blend, each providing some of what the other lacks. Discuss new opportunities with your regular physician. If your physician is not open to natural health alternatives, I’d simply find another one who is. They are out there. I’ve taken my background in nursing and added to that knowledge by learning about natural health opportunities, including aromatherapy, herbs and holistic nutrition - and there are physicians who are doing the same. I am constantly learning and restructuring my belief system as I see some things work and others not work.
We also provide a link to a place where these books can be purchased, and we attempt to provide bargain opportunities. If you have specific questions about any of these resources, please contact us and we will get back with you. I have not documented these books using an MLA or APA format because I specifically wanted to list the name of the book first – rather than the author(s). I can only hope Mrs. Skaggs, my 12th grade English teacher, will forgive me this oversight.
Click an article below for a list of direct links to
We will be posting published articles soon!
“The next major advance in the health of the American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself.” ~John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Advance your knowledge of what you can do for your own health.
Come visit with us in person about our sterile production techniques, and our pharmaceutical-free, therapeutic grade items. Hear Ann speak from the heart about the subjects she loves the most – aromatherapy, skin health and holistic nutrition. Ann is available to bring her energetic and informative presentation to your group or organization. Please use our contact us page to contact Ann for a fee schedule. Presentations for church groups and non-profit groups are done without charge.
List of our essential oils used in our products coming soon! Please call us if you would like to know more about a particular essential oil we use. 402-261-5877
We will be adding continuously to these pages as we obtain new substantiated, tested information and research. To learn more about carrier oils and their benefits please click on an ingredient in the list below for a detailed benefits description. Click next to learn more after each page.