After a long HOT day (temperatures in the high 90's with humidity giving us comfort zone of 110) at the farmers' market, I come home to just cool off and rest! I find instead that there was a very bad mishap with our blogging platform through Feedburner. If you subscribed to our blogs via email please, please delete and disregard the email that was sent out Saturday, August 7th. We very much apologize for what probably appears like spam - this was not something that came from Wingsets and we are in the process of finding out what caused this to happen. Again, please delete and disregard the email that was sent. We strive to not fill up your email box with useless information and spend many hours researching and writing about things that matter to you and to us. We hope you will continue to subscribe to our blogs as we research and write more information you will find helpful in your search for a healthier lifestyle.
Thank you!