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Thimerosal known to be neurotoxic?

By Ann C Wooledge
on March 21, 2012

Does it seem like mercury is everywhere?

As per Dr. Isaac Eliaz - "Most vaccines contain ethyl mercury, in the form of Thimerosal—that includes everything from the flu vaccine to the vaccines given to millions of infants. Thimerosal has been used worldwide since the 1930s as a preservative in vaccines, cosmetics, eye drops, contact lens solutions and tattoo ink. Because of its mercury content, Thimerosal is known to have neurotoxin properties and in the case of vaccines, it has been linked to autism. It has been removed from pet vaccines and contact lens solutions, but still is used as a preservative in vaccines for children. This year, mercury-free flu vaccines are available, but you have to ask." Our note: Hospitals continue to use "antibacterial soaps" that contain Thimerosal - nurses and doctors wash their hands hundreds of times each day. 

Read more here.

Nuts for weight loss

By Ann C Wooledge
on March 16, 2012

Nuts can help you lose weight!


Nuts do contain fat, "BUT the surprising truth is that nuts are one of the best foods for weight loss, according to Harvard researchers. 'Nuts are loaded with protein and fiber, which can help you feel full for longer,' explains Richter. One study in the journal Obesity found that people who ate nuts at least twice a week were less likely to put on pounds over the long run than those who didn't." The fat in nuts is the heart-healthy unsaturated kind.  Keep it to one ounce - 23 almonds, 14 walnut halves, and 49 pistachios." - according to Prevention.com.

Protein to prevent overeating.

By Ann C Wooledge
on March 13, 2012

Protein to preserve lean body mass: 

Did you know that when researchers at Purdue University asked 46 dieting women to eat either 30% or 18% of their calories from protein, the high-protein eaters felt more satisfied and less hungry. Plus, over the course of 12 weeks, the women preserved more lean body mass, which includes calorie-burning muscle. Read more here:

protein to prevent overeating

Bothered with dust mites?

By Ann C Wooledge
on February 10, 2012


Do you have dust mites? They're way too small to be seen by the human eye. Did you know that a university study showed these results?: "This study suggests the use of the essential oils and their major constituents as ecofriendly biodegradable agents for the control of house dust mite, D. pteronyssinus." Check out our Cassia, Cinnamon Bark and Citronella essential oils which contain some of the constituents used in the study, and our Cinnamon Orange Spice air freshener. Click HERE to view the study.

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Blissful Baby

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  • Blissful Babies Calendula & Chamomile Organic Bar Soap
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  • Blissful Babies Lavender & Chamomile Organic Bar Soap
    organic shea butter  bar soap infused with organic lavender and chamomile essential oils and flower powder
    organic shea butter bar soap with organic essential oil of Bulgarian lavender and Roman chamomile, infused with certified organic lavender flowers and certified organic chamomile flowers, handmade, cold processed, all natural
  • Blissful Babies Lavender and Chamomile Body Cream
    organic baby cream with essential oils of true Bulgarian lavender and roman chamomile
  • Blissful Babies Lavender Body Cream
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Gluten-Free Products Clearly Identified

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