This is one of our family’s favorites! It contains organic oils we infuse ourselves. Take a look here at what's new in our balms and the improvements we've made.
We use a longer infusion process at low temperatures to assure you receive all the beneficial properties nature meant to be there. This blend is a beautiful mix of organic beeswax, plus the infused oils of calendula, chamomile, and helichrysum flowers – all well-known for their healing properties and gentleness for baby’s bottom. We then add a little True Lavender (high altitude - the best!) essential oil, Roman and German Chamomile essential oils, well known for their calming and anti-inflammatory benefits and certified organic Tea Tree - all of which are well-documented for their healing properties. There’s just enough beeswax to give healing protection and barrier plus this balm has soothing aromatherapy fragrance for those restless times or sleepy times. Diaper rash is often caused by yeast, specifically Candida, and our balm contains oils and essential oils that have been proven to fight against this heart-breaking invader. Ask me some time about my middle granddaughter's issues with diaper rash quite a few years ago. One jar will last a long time. We’ve used this on all of our grandchildrens' (well, the ones we've been blessed with in the past 10 years) “hard-to-get-rid-of” diaper rash and the rash was gone overnight. We have many customers who tell us the rash is gone by the next diaper change. Our granddaughters have been known to tells US to use it if they started to get sore! Really! And even at the age of five - our youngest granddaughter (long since potty trained) still tells me to bring the "boo-boo balm" when I come, and if I'm not coming when they run out to send it SOON. It helps soothe the itch of mosquito bites or "boo-boos" when she falls and scrapes her knees.